
UCトランスファーのためのPersonal Statement。(その1)


先日から取り組んでいるPersonal Statement。UCへのトランスファーのPersonal Statementは以下の3つのエッセイからなる。

[Question 1]

★Focus: Academic Preparation

The University seeks to enroll students who take initiative in pursuing their education (for example, developing a special interest in science, language or the performing arts; involvement in educational preparation programs including summer enrichment programs, research, or academic development programs such as EAOP, MESA, Puente, COSMOS or other similar programs.) This question seeks to understand a student\’s motivation and dedication to learning.

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the field developed and describe any experience you have had in the field – such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities – and what you have gained from your involvement. *

[Question 2]

★Focus: Potential to Contribute

UC welcomes the contributions each student brings to the campus learning community. This question seeks to determine an applicant\’s academic or creative interests and potential to contribute to the vitality of the University.

Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality you will bring to the University of California. *

[Question 3]

★Focus: Open-Ended Question

This question seeks to give students the opportunity to share important aspects of their schooling or their lives – such as their personal circumstances, family experiences and opportunities that were or were not available at their school or college – that may not have been sufficiently addressed elsewhere in the application.

Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your academic record that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in this application? *

そしてご丁寧に何をPersonal Statementに求めているかの説明が以下のように書かれている。
1. choices you’ve made and what you’ve gained
     as a result of a those choices
2. exceptional personal or academic recognition
3. unusual talent or ability
4. leadership, service to others
5. susbstantial experience with other cultures
6. participation in an outreach program or internship
7. your ability to overcome or manage significant challenges
8. intellectual curiosity
9. your ability to think analytically and write critically

Also, please let us know if you:
– have contended with a serious illness or disability
– are the first in your family to attend a college
     or university, or
– have experienced special circumstances that may have
     affected your studies.



  1. そろそろ準備しないと。


  2. 大学の説明会に参加。


  3. 痛い出費。



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