Personal Statement指示は、更に 以下のように、
What should I discuss as a transfer applicant? へと続く。
– Read the instructions and address the prompts. Allow time for reflection, preparation, and revisions. In general, focus on relatively recent activities and experiences.
– Tell us who you are and what you do. After we have read your statement we will ask, “What do we know about this individual?” If we have learned little about you, your personal statement has not been successful.
– Place all achievements, both academic and non-academic, in the context of the opportunities you have had, any unusual conditions or hardships you have faced, and the ways in which you have responded to them.
– Include interest in your intended major, explain the way in which your academic interests developed, an describe any related work or volunteer experience.
– Include information about your family or work responsibilities (especially if you are an older, returning, or re-entry student).
– Discuss any gaps in your education, particularly if you believe your earlier academic work does not accurately reflect your abilities.
Answer all three questions. Choose one of the three to provide a longer, more in-depth response of about 600 words; the remaining two questions require short responses (200words each), for a total of about 1,000 words. Your three responses should not exceed 1,000 words.
つまりQuestions 1-3の中で、どのエッセイを長く書くかは本人に任されている。しかしこれだけの情報量を盛り込んで、600単語、200単語ずつのエッセイは短すぎる。私は最初何を求めているかの質問に一つずつ答えていき(それぞれ1枚の紙を用意した)、どのエッセイに該当するか組み合わせをいろいろと考えた。どの項目も3つのうちのどのエッセイにも含まれてもおかしくない。これだけで恐らく1週間は悩んだ。
エッセイ1はなかなか考えがまとまらなかった。自分の経験を書いてみたところ、何だかあまりIntended majorをサポートしているようなエッセイに思えなかったのだ。ところがその教授は言った。「何でそう思ったか、どうしてこういう決心をしたのかの部分は、このメジャーにつながっていると思うから、この方向で書き上げなさい。」