





Please vote for H.Res.106, the Armenian Genocide Resolution, and encourage
your colleagues to support the adoption of this human rights legislation.

I am, as you can imagine, extremely gratified by the Foreign Affairs
Committee’s October 10th adoption of this measure, while at the same time
deeply troubled by the Turkish government’s truly shocking threats against
America if the full House adopts this anti-genocide resolution.

I would like to share with you several insights about these recent
developments and to respectfully encourage you to consider them carefully
in the days and weeks ahead:

1) We cannot advance our interests by compromising our values.

The true danger to our interests does not come from Turkey’s threats, but
rather from failing to stand up for our values. We rightfully stood up to
China’s threats in honoring the Dalai Lama, and Japan’s protests in
condemning its the brutal treatment of "comfort women." We should apply
the same standard to Turkey.


2) Turkey is an increasingly unreliable ally

Turkey displayed a truly remarkable willingness to disrupt major U.S.
military operations. Even as Turkey pressures us not to recognize the
Armenian Genocide, it has publicly rejected calls by American leaders that
it not invade Iraq.

3) Caving in to threats only encourages more threats

Agreeing to a Turkish government-imposed "gag-rule" on the Armenian
Genocide sets a dangerous precedent, emboldening other nations to use
similar threats. This appeasement diminishes our moral standing, making
it more difficult to shape international public opinion in support of our
foreign policy priorities.

4) The facts of the Armenian Genocide are not in dispute

Despite Turkey’s shameful campaign of denial, the historical record of the
Armenian Genocide is not in dispute. The recent debate over the
Resolution, particularly during nearly three hours of committee-level
consideration, was characterized by a common acceptance of the Armenian
Genocide. Even those who spoke most ardently against the measure – based
on a fear of Turkey’s reaction – did not deny this crime.

I share these thoughts with you in the hope that you will agree with me
that it is always the right time for America to stand up against genocide.
Please do all you can to ensure the adoption of H.Res.106.

Thank you for your consideration of my concerns. If you have any
questions on this matter, please feel free to contact me or the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA) at (202) 775-1918 or anca@anca.org.



H. Res. 106: Affirmation of the United States Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolutionがどういうものかどうかはhttp://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=hr110-106を参考に。

家に帰宅後、学校からのお知らせを読んでいたら、「Armenian Genocide Lecture」というセミナーがあるらしい。明日のお昼なのだが、明日は仕事で行くことができない。このセミナーに合わせて、今日署名活動をしていたのかもしれないな。

私は一般のアメリカ人はあまり外国のことをよく知らないという印象を持っているが、意外に学生は別だ。特に私の所属する学部はInternational Departmentなので、一般的な学生よりも世界の動きに注目している学生が多い。それに移民の子供がとても多いと思われる私の学校なので(アジア人がやけに多い)、外の動きに目が向いているのかもしれない。




  1. 大丈夫か、CA?


  2. やっと時差ぼけ解消か?


  3. IOU。



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